Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The Giftie Company Ltd is registered in England & Wales under Company number 11677876.

Conditions of Using Our Website

By ordering via our website located at www.trade.giftie.co.uk you give consent for The Giftie Company to store your personal information, including but not limited to, full name; address; telephone number; email address and order history. The Giftie Company will not store your payment details internally (see ‘Storing Payment Details’ for more information).

The Giftie Company is committed to ensuring such details are kept safe and secure in line with GDPR practices. The Giftie Company will never sell or share customer information with any third party and will always take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the website, with access granted only to authorised staff and representatives of The Giftie Company and DropGifting Ltd respectively. In exceptional circumstances, The Giftie Company may be required to share your personal information under inspection or to cooperate with any legal inverstigations, such as fraudulent activity. The Giftie Company will ensure checks are carried out to verify the validity of such investigations and the genuine position of the Parties requesting this information. In these exceptional circumstances, information will be shared only where legally bound to do so and to the appropriate authorities if ordered by a court in England & Wales or similar.

The Giftie Company stores cookies to create a better browsing experience. Any information shared by use of cookies on our website will be kept confidential and we will take reasonable measures to ensure this information stays secure, per the above paragraph.

By using our website you agree to provide correct information when making any order and you agree that you are the correct age for age-restricted purchases, including but not limited to, alcohol or sharp objects. You agree that you are authorised to use the payment method chosen upon checkout and The Giftie Company takes no responsibility for misuse of credit card information or any other payment method. The Giftie Company are not responsible for providing any refund or compensation to the true owner of the payment method used, if misuse is discovered.

Storing Payment Details

When making secure payments via our merchant partner, Stripe Payments UK Ltd and any other trading names belonging to this Company, they may at times save your payment method details either optionally or automatically for ease of use at a later date. The Giftie Company does not, at any time, store these payment details internally and cannot change stored detail preferences or data. Any queries regarding saved payment details must be directed to Stripe Payments UK Ltd.

Third Party Use

The Giftie Company may, at times, provide temporary administrative access to third parties for activities such as server maintenance, troubleshooting or any other service relating to the development of the website. All access provided is given on a temporary basis to trusted third parties, who are legally bound to keep all information available within the administrative role, confidential and secure.

Refund Policy & Returns Policy

Our refund and returns policy can be found at our Returns & Refunds page. Please follow the link for detailed information.

The Giftie Company does not accept responsibility and will not be liable for any refund in the event of late arrival due to supplier issues, stock issues or busy periods, though any complaint or request for a full or part refund will be considered fairly on a case by case situation.

By using our website, you agree to contact The Giftie Company directly before any item is returned by post to avoid any disappointment if the item cannot be refunded.

Order Accuracy & Images

When ordering from our website, you agree to accept that whilst we try to provide the most accurate photographs of our catalogue products, there may at times be differences in the colour; design; size and material.

This can happen due to changes in production methods, changes in stock, screen display of the individual customer or any other reasonable situation.

If an order is very inaccurate and a reasonable answer cannot be provided, complaints will be considered fairly on a case by case situation upon receipt of genuine photographs or a requested return of the item.

Any spelling errors or inaccurate messages shown on personalised items that are the fault of The Giftie Company, where the personalisation does not match the details entered on the order page, will be refunded or a replacement issued.

Any spelling errors or inaccurate messages entered on the product order page by the customer will not be refunded or replaced, unless that replacement is paid for in full by creating a new order.