Delivery Information

Delivery Information

At The Giftie Company, our items are made to order and delivery timescales can vary. Please read the below information regarding how your items will arrive.

Estimated Delivery Timeframes

Our delivery costs are separated into categories to make them easy to understand when listing our items for sale on your online stores.

If unsure, you can add a product to your basket and proceed to checkout to see the delivery costs. Once checked, simply remove the item from your basket!

You can charge the delivery fees to your customer, absorb them into your own costs or offer Free Delivery and increase the price of the product – the choice is yours.

  • Regular Letter
  • Greeting Cards, Vouchers, Etc
  • 1st Class: £1.25
  • 2nd Class: FREE
  • Large Letter
  • Books, Pennant Flags, Passports & Luggage Tags, Invitations, Cushion Covers, Etc
  • 1st Class: £2.99
  • 2nd Class: £2.25
  • Small Parcel
  • Clocks, Mugs, Framed Prints, Pet Bowls, Chopping Boards, Signs, Vases, Etc
  • 1st Class: £4.70
  • 2nd Class: £3.75
  • Medium Parcel
  • A3+ Framed Prints & Other Large Items
  • 1st Class: £6.95
  • 2nd Class: £5.35
  • Special Delivery (Guaranteed By 1PM)
  • Next-Day delivery if ordered by 1PM
  • £6.99 across all products

For orders with multiple items in different categories, we’ll charge delivery based on the largest parcel size in your basket.

For our retailers buying physical stock in bulk, we automatically provide a free 1st Class delivery option for orders over £150.00 in value.

Estimated Delivery Timeframes

Below is a general guideline on how long your customer might expect to wait for their order to arrive. Please be aware that during busy periods we may need to extend our timeframes and we will inform you if this is the case.

  • Non-Personalised Items
  • Dispatch Time: 0 – 2 Working Days
  • Delivery Time: 1 – 3 Working Days
  • Estimated time from order to door: 1 – 5 Working Days
  • Personalised Items
  • Dispatch Time: 0 – 4 Working Days
  • Delivery Time: 1 – 3 Working Days
  • Estimated time from order to door: 1 – 7 Working Days

Each product page will include a ‘Production Time’ area and these will vary per product. Whilst we generally dispatch at the earliest time, we provide these windows to give you and your customers a reasonable expectation of time before dispatch.

We use Royal Mail as our delivery partner and our large letters and parcels include a standard level of tracking with a GPS scan upon delivery for proof of arrival. Once in transit, we are unable to control any delays encountered by our delivery partner(s).

Orders Damaged In Transit

We do our very best to ensure our items are packed securely for each delivery to arrive in one piece.

If your customer’s item has arrived damaged, please send us a clear photo of the damage by email to so that we may help you as quickly as possible.

Damaged items qualify for a replacement, partial refund or full refund and are looked at on a case-by-case basis. Please see our Returns & Refunds page for more information.