Returns & Refunds

Returns & Refunds

At The Giftie Company we understand that sometimes an item may need to be returned. Due to the nature of our business wherein most items are personalised, we have special terms for our Returns Policy.

Note that we do not compensate postage and packaging charges for item returns.

We promise to offer full or part refunds / replacements for the following reasons:

The item is not personalised and not to your taste so is returned to us in new and unused condition in its original packaging.

The item is incorrectly personalised with a spelling mistake that is due to the fault of The Giftie Company (photos required) **

The item was damaged in transit or is faulty (photos required)

** Spelling errors or mistakes on personalised items qualify for a refund or free replacement only if the error is with The Giftie Company. If you have submitted the incorrect spelling during your initial order a replacement must be purchased using the usual ordering process. We try our very best to catch potential spelling mistakes and flag it with our customers before personalisation begins, but this is never guaranteed.

In the case of full and part refunds, individual cases will be evaluated and an offer of compensation made based on the nature of the issue.

Please Note: We cannot under any circumstance accept any return for personalised items that are no longer required or are not to the taste of the person the item has been gifted to. Once an item is personalised it becomes unique to you and cannot be returned to us.

This does not affect your statutory rights.

You can contact us by email regarding any return or faulty item using the address If an item needs to be returned, we will provide you with the address of where to send the item and a reference number to include in the package.

If an item is faulty or has been damaged in transit and a clear photo is provided to show this, a replacement will be issued without any need to return the item to us.

If an item has arrived past the date of a special occasion it was intended for we will not usually offer a refund for this, as our Terms and Conditions state that items may be unexpectedly delayed in periods of high demand or supply issues. However, if the item is considerably late you can contact us and we will review each situation individually and fairly.